After 7 months of preparation by Council Members and the Mission team in Peru, on September 29 of 2017 at 3:30pm, the Baptism Mass of the Third-Year students of the Aeronautical Technological Institute of Peru’s Air Force (ESOFA) was carried out.

This important Sacrament was celebrated in the Chapel by the Reverend Father Erico Zevallos, Chaplain of the Institute. There were 21 students baptized.


Later, during the Holy Mass that took place in the school auditorium, the celebration of the First Communion Sacrament (43 students) and Confirmation was held; as well as the Initial Consecration of 88 students and 2 civilians of the institution. This ceremony was carried out by the Monsignor Juan Carlos Vera P., Military Bishop of Peru. As a reminder of this commitment made by these 90 faithful, the Mission handed out blessed pocket images of Our Lady of Guadalupe. During these celebrations, more than 350 people witnessed this wonderful act of dedication and personal commitment to our Lord.


During this important celebration, the Consecration of the Aeronautical Technological Institute of Peru’s Air Force (ESOFA) was renewed by the Deputy Director of the Institute, Colonel FAP Juan Velasco M. and by Monsignor Vera. This is the fourth year that the institution gives God and his Divine Will all what they are and what they have. Afterwards, all the confirmed young men, who were duly prepared, read the prayer of consecration to the Two hearts, thus completing the seven months of preparation.


At the end of the ceremony, they went to the halls of the institution for a reception offered by Colonel Velasco for Monsignor Vera and the members of The Mission in gratitude for the accompaniment in the formation of the Sacraments of Initiation to the students of the Institute.

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