On Saturday October 1 the Mission was present at the pilgrimage to the sanctuary of El Morro in the city of Barranquilla, which began at 6 am with a pilgrimage from the slopes of the Hill and we got approximately about 600 people praying the Holy Rosary. As a curious data, the presence of a tail of Hurricane Mathew during all the pilgrimage was raining.At the top of the Hill the Holy Eucharist was celebrated and the Archdiocese of Barranquilla was consecrated by the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese Monsignor Victor Tamayo; then the Coordinator of the Mission in Barranquilla, Danitza Abuchaibe read with all the faithful the prayer of consecration of their families. 800 Mission’s Rosary prayers were previously delivered and 800 prayers with the consecration for the families. Approximately 1200 people came to this celebration despite all the problems caused by the strong rain. That day the week of the Marian Jubilee in the Archdiocese started. Home enthronements of Our Lady of Guadalupe have started and during the visit of the members of the Bogota Mission’s Committee 4 home enthronements were done.
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