The Consecration of Deacons and Missionary Families to the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph was held on Saturday, March 19, at noon. The Celebration was presided by Monsignor Juan Vicente Córdoba and the Parish Priest, Father Luis Alejandro Fuquen.THE MISSION FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WORLDWIDE opened that great day at the Parish of Our Lady of La Macarena (“Nuestra Señora de la Macarena”), Diocese of Fontibón, with the Holy Rosary. United to the intentions of the MISSION, a family and some children who were consecrated to the Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Holy Mary in December 2015 participated in the prayer.After the Holy Rosary, Father Luis Alejandro Fuquen gave a talk dedicated to the Missionary Families and the Deacons, encouraging their labor, and he thanked God for the fruit that the MISSION FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WORLDWIDE is giving with Evangelization together with the catechesis to consecrate homes. Also, he emphasized on the conversion of the Missionary families, especially the family that participated in the Holy Rosary, who after their Consecration through the MISSION FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WORLDWIDE now is part of the parish life with their testimony of life. Father Luis Alejandro Fuquen named his talk “The Jubilee of Family: a mirror of the Father’s Mercy”.After this, a beautiful serenade was given in honor of Saint Joseph, celebrating the day of Missionary Families.It finished with the Eucharist of Consecration of Missionary Families and 27 Deacons, where Monsignor Córdoba emphasized on the fact that the Eucharist would be the Door of Mercy for the Jubilee Church. Monsignor asks the faithful, who is the Door? and answers that it is Jesus; we enter to the Church by Christ to celebrate His mystery of Passion, Death and Resurrection.Due to the Extraordinary Jubilee, Monsignor Córdoba had all Deacons enter through the Holy Door; he explained their mission and the vestment they should carry. Also, he talked about the Plenary Indulgence and the forgiveness of sins; the significance of this Year of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy for all of us. For both the Missionary Families and the Deacons, Monsignor reminded the importance of servicing the neighbor; he mentioned the characteristics, which are vocation, serving with humility and charity, and the testimony of life.
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