In this time of advent, on December 7th, Vespers of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and getting ready to prepare the great celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Mission For the Love of God Worldwide South Florida, held a fabulous event at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Doral, Florida. It was an interesting presentation of Dr. Fernando Ojeda, a mathematician and member of the ISEG, THE Institute of Guadeloupian Superior Studies, who marveled the audience of around 150 people with his explanation about his scientific and mathematical findings in the fields of astronomy, Arithmetic, Geometry and Music in the image of the Patroness of our Mission, Our Lady Holy Mary of Guadalupe. Dr. Ojeda showed how there is an impressive harmony in the Tilma, apart from significant and beautiful messages that speak of the greatness of God and the maternal intersession of the Blessed Virgin for all times. All the attendees heard that beautiful musical melody, deciphered by Dr. Ojeda that always touches our heart. Finally our faith was strengthened through the knowledge of all these findings, confirming the infinite love of God for his children.

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