
John Rick Miller was invited to come to New Orleans, Louisiana in August of 2009 to speak to a small group of people. Rosary cenacles started as an outcome of that visit.Since April 2010, Mr. Miller, on behalf of the Mission “For the Love of God Worldwide” has made many visits to Louisiana speaking in many churches, making presentations to prayer cenacles and seminarians and talking to high school students and youth groups.

In 2012, Louisiana was divided into seven sections according to our seven dioceses. A coordinator was appointed to direct over the state and heads were appointed over each diocese. Each head then selected persons to coordinate prayer cenacles, home enthronements and consecrations. The Mission has reached six of the seven dioceses throughout the state: Archdiocese of New Orleans, Diocese of Baton Rouge, Diocese of Lafayette, Diocese of Lake Charles, Diocese of Alexandria and the Diocese of Houma/Thibodaux.

Mr. Miller continued to visit Louisiana until his diagnosis of cancer. Home Enthronement kits have been distributed in churches in several of the dioceses. The relic image of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been enthroned in the Dioceses of Lake Charles at St. Henry’s Catholic Church, in the Diocese of Baton Rouge at St. Agnes Catholic Church, in the Diocese of Houma/Thibodaux at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church and in the Diocese of Lafayette at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church.

Our journey in Louisiana

A group of about 15 parishioners was present for Carol’s meeting with Fr. Greg Cormier on Wednesday, Nov. 18th. Fr.

Prayer Gathering In Gueydan, LAA prayer gathering for police and auxiliary police, fire fighters, first responders, Acadia and

The Mission for the Love of God Worldwide began to form throughout Louisiana after a visit from the Mission’s founder, John Ric

This is the fourth year for the March for Life in Baton Rouge which is held on the steps of the state capital.

An Ash Wednesday Retreat Day was held at St. Alphonsus Church in the Diocese of Baton Rouge.

The New Orleans team gave a workshop to two church parishes in Covington. This is a new area that the diocese is working with.

Sharon Robichaux, head of the Houma/Thibodaux Diocese gave a presen- tation about the Mission to a Spanish prayer group in Thib

The Mission was present with the Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the prayer vigil held on the proposed site of the new


Where are we stablished?

Where are we established?