POPE FRANCIS’ VISIT TO ECUADORHis Holiness Pope Francis visited Ecuador from the 5th to the 7th of July, with events in Guayaquil and Quito, that attracted true multitudes of Catholics and non-Catholics who wanted to hear the Holy Father speak of the importance of family, of not discarding the old and young, and of educating with social responsibility of the care we should have of nature and the wealth distribution without exclusions.He invited the clergy to evangelize with joy and to remember their origins always. In all of these activities, various members of the Mission helped as volunteers. Here are some of the most important things Pope Francis reminded us of:“At present, we can also find in the Gospel the keys that alow us to face the current challenges, valuing differences, promoting dialogue and participation without exclusions.The family is the nearest hospital, when one is ill they take care of him while they can; the family is the first school for the young, the best home for the elderly.When we give of ourselves, we discover our true identity as children of God in the image of the Father and, like him, givers of life; we discover that we are brothers and sisters of Jesus, to whom we bear witness. This is what it means to evangelize; this is the new revolution – for our faith is always revolutionary –, this is our deepest and most enduring cry.How do we help our young students to not identify a college degree as synonym of status, money or social prestige, these are not synonyms.The goods of the earth are meant for everyone, and however much someone may parade his property, it has a social mortgage.Thus the concept of economic justice, based on the principal of commerce, is superseded by the concept of social justice, which upholds the fundamental right of people to a dignified life.”

Pope Francis´Visit To Ecuador

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