The mission For the love of God worldwide chapter Zamora, Michoacán was invited to participate in the radio show "Maranatha" broadcasted by ‘La Zamorana’ station 103.9 with Carla Acosta as the anchor. Members of the city Council of the Mission attended to talk about the Mission For the Love of God Worldwide and its Four Cornerstones. Bety and Gerardo spoke to the audience about the importance of recognizing ourselves as God's children so that, through His love, we may be able to promote peace coming from the family consequently having a positive effect in society. They talked about the importance of prayer, seizing the moment to invite the citizens to join the Mission. They also spoke about the importance of contemplating the Sorrowful Mysteries with intentions given for these times. It was a special occasion to encourage them to receive our Blessed Mother of Guadalupe in their homes as well as consecrating themselves.
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