ARCHDIOCESE OF BOGOTAThe Mission For the Love of God Worldwide, participated in the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy in the American Continent that was celebrated in Bogota from the 27th to the 30th of August. 15 Cardinals, 150 Bishops, Priests and Laity from all America participated.The objective was to celebrate the gift of God’s Mercy in the American Continent in the year of the Extraordinary Jubilee convened by Pope Francis as grace and testimony of personal conversion as well as pastoral and missionary within the Church, and of service to the peoples and nations for a culture of meeting, peace and reconciliation.From the beginning of the reunion it was extraordinary the kind and comforting way in which Pope Francis addressed us, he definitely outlined the path to follow during the Congress. He encouraged the faithful and gave them clarity on their role and commitment for being present there.During those for 4 days moments of communion between clergy and laity where lived during the plenaries as well as in the activities carried out and during the breaks.We began the program on August 27th at NH Royal Hotel. The opening act was in charge of Cardinal Ruben Salazar, the President Juan Manuel Santos, Cardinal Marc Ouellet and the Apostolic Nuncio, Msgr. Ettore Balestrero.At the end of the evening, all of the attendees made a procession from the hotel to the Basilica of Lourdes, praying the Holy Rosary. At the Basilica a penitential liturgy was celebrated presided by Cardinal Jose Luis Lacunza, massive confessions were held and finally the Holy Mass was presided by Cardinal Marc Ouellet and concelebrated by Cardibal Ruben Salazar and Msgr. Ettore Balestrero.On the 29ththe participants of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy in the Continent visited 27 works of mercy in Bogota. We were present with Msgr. Ouellet, visiting the Foundation Light and Life where they have children who were rejected by their parents because of physical difficulties such as mental retardation, hydrocephalus, quadriplegics, etc. It was something special to see how the people who work there lay their lives to improve the quality of live of these children.We had the opportunity to speak with several bishops and Colombian priests and with Msgr. Salazar. We also established contact with other Cardinals, bishops and priests from other countries. It was a unique experience to be able to share with these beloved children of God in such a humble and simple way.
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