On Thursday November 13th, we had the grace of receiving Angelica Cantu, National Coordinator of the Mission in Mexico and International Director of Development. The reason for this visit was to present the Development and Home Visits Plan to several priests, pastoral groups of various parishes, committed youth groups and to the active members of the Mission in Quito.Before the meetings, visits and interviews began, we requested, as the Mission in Ecuador accustoms, an appointment with Msgr. Fausto Travez, Archbishop of Quito and President of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference and with Msgr. Rene Coba, Military Bishop of Ecuador, who were already acquainted with the Development Plan and warmly listened to the detailed explanation that Angelica gave them. The Msgrs. Travez and Coba were happy to see that the lay Catholics are willing to be noticed and to spread the Catholic faith in the homes of their brothers, just as Pope Francis has requested. They said this plan is a challenge of love and courage that surely counts with God Our Father’s blessing.Once we had the blessing of both Monsignors, we began our activities, which contemplated visits to several priests of the parishes of Cumbaya, La Primavera, Monteserrin, San Carlos Borromeo and San Rosa. This plan was widely explained and accepted by the priests of the different parishes that we visited and they gave us their blessing and support to implement it as soon as possible. Several interviews were also arranged at Catholic Radio and Radio Maria.On Saturday November 15th, a talk was given to the Youth of the Most Loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who will join the Mission in the Home Visits Plan. In total 100 young people attended, accompanied by their spiritual director, Fr. Leonardo Arboleda.
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