Litany for the City and Family


















(Mention your city here).(We now remember the words of Our Lord on the Cross, “I thirst”).



Our Lady of Guadalupe Patroness of The Mission: Pray for us

St. Joseph Patron and Guardian of The Mission: Pray for us

St.Juan Diego Patron of The Mission: Pray for us

The 27 Saints of The Mission Heavenly Intercessors of The Mission: Pray for us

Holy Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels-Heavenly Protectors of The Mission: Pray for us

The Nine Choirs of Angels ever vigilant towards the Mission: Pray for us

Through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Oh! God Our Father, Hear us

We plead before you, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for all who this day and night in this great city stand in the most need of Your merciful love and protection; Have mercy

On souls beset by temptation, Have mercy

On those who have fallen into sin, Have mercy

On those who are given up to worldliness and are forgetful of You, Have mercy

On those who at this moment are in dangerof losing You forever, Have mercy

On those who are tempting others,may they convert to Your love; Have mercy

By your Agony, Save them, Jesus; Have mercy

On those who are carrying on wicked trades and pro ting by sin; Have mercy

On those in the media and entertainment who are leading others away from God; Have mercy

On the victims of sin; Have mercy

On those who are indulging in sinful acts; Have mercy

On all who are imperilling their souls by self-indulgence and luxury; By Your Scourging, Save them, Jesus: Lord Hear Us

On all of the homeless, the weary, the starving,those tempted to commit suicide,those who are addicted in any form, have mercy; be near them Jesus

To those who are out to rescue others in body and soul, grant help and protection; be near them Jesus

For those who work in dangerous jobs; especially,the police, those in transport, remen,those in the armed forces, let Your Presence be with them, Jesus; be near them Jesus

For the sick and su ering and all those are enduring anyagony of mind, body and soul, comfort them, Jesus; be near them Jesus

For all those undergoing operations and those who willbe operating on them, Jesus help them in body and soul; be near them Jesus

For the sleepless, lonely and those who feel unloved,unwanted, be near them Jesus

For those in fear or distress, calm them Jesus

For the insane, and those with mental illness,keep them in your power Lord; calm them Jesus

For those who attend upon the insane,make them tender-hearted and compassionate;For doctors and nurses, give them faithfulness and sympathy; calm them Jesus

For priests and doctors called out this day and night,reward them, Jesus; calm them Jesus

By Your Crown of Thorns, deliver them Jesus; Lord Hear us

For those who must suffer bereavement,visit and sustain them, Jesus; Lord Hear us

For those for whom this will be their last night on earth,we pray to St. Joseph to help them deepen their contrition: Lord Jesus,receive their souls

For those whom sudden death summonsbefore Your Judgement; Jesus, have mercy on them

Those dying rejecting the ministry of the Church; Jesus, have mercy on them

On those dying unconscious; Jesus, have mercy on them

On those dying blind to their sins; Jesus, have mercy on them

On the souls of unbelievers and heretics who are near death, we beg your Divine Mercy, Lord Jesus; Jesus, have mercy on them

For those afraid to die, turn their heaviness into joy; Jesus, have mercy on them


For dying priests, religious, and all Catholics, have mercy and receive them Lord; grant us a happy death

For ourselves and those in our family in our last hour,grant the pardon of our sins and our omissions through the intercession of St.Joseph,Patron of the Dying, grant us a happy death

By Your Holy Death, deliver them, Jesus; grant us a happy death

On behalf of those who have said no prayers today, in this city, let us say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and l Glory Be... On behalf of those who neglect God, either to praise Him or even to thank Him, let us say...

Divines Praises:

Blessed be God

Blessed be His Holy Name

Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man

Blessed be the Name of Jesus

Blessed be His most Sacred Heart

Blessed be His most Precious Blood

Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar

Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete

Blessed be the Great Mother of God, Mary most Holy

Blessed be Her Holy and Immaculate Conception

Blessed be Her Glorious Assumption

Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother

Blessed be Saint Joseph, Her most Chaste Spouse

Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints

For reparation on behalf of those who blaspheme, who are irreverent in church and during the Mass, and before the Blessed Sacrament, let us say...

“Blessed, praised and hallowed, worshipped. and adored be Jesus Christ on his Throne of Glory and in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar”.

And for those praying for the conversion and protection of their city and family through The Mission, For The Love of God Worldwide, let us say...

“Save us Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep, that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with Him in peace; and may the Lord grant us a quiet day and night and a perfect end”. Our Lady of Guadalupe, bless us this day and night.



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